
YOOOOOO!! what's up!  welcome to my cosmic corner of the web! sorry about the mess, you can play with my consoles to make it up to you. :) to put it short, i'm a hard-rooted stan of the 2000s/2010s, heavy lifting, and all things Kirby and Sega.... like what you see? Guestbook
and hey, if you REALLY like me, here's my button! (left is new, right is old, pretty please use your own server for images)

How are you doing?

  • Currently Playing: Cookie Run Kingdom (Mobile), Webfishing, [replaying] Cult of the Lamb (PC), [replaying] Paper Mario: The Thousand Year Door (Gamecube version), Luigi's Mansion 2, Jet Set Radio: Future, Tunic (PC), Pokemon Legends: Arceus (Switch), Hollow Knight (PC), Super Smash Bros Melee, The Legend of Zelda: a Link Between Worlds(3DS), Dr. Robotnik's Ring Racers (PC), Pokemon Super Mystery Dungeon (3DS)

  • Currently Watching: Pokemon Horizons (2023), The Boys (2019), Breaking Bad (2008), Jujustu Kaisen (2020)

  • Art Block?: yes :C

  • Song Looping: King For a Day - Pierce The Veil

  • Space Fact: the agreed upon first discovered exoplanet was PSR B1257+12, found in 1990 by Aleksander Wolszczan and Dale Frail and announced the discovery in 1992.

  • these boxes are scrollable!

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    This website was designed on a rather LARGE screen. things may look different on your computer!
    any original, non official art on this site (such as the shrine links) is drawn by me unless said otherwise. if you don't want your stuff on here, don't be shy []



    the absolute realm Poyo's Button made by Micky Plushie the button of Mako Energy buttonz Velvet Blue
