Cookie Run Kingdom is an RPG and Kingdom Builder featuring adorable cookies! biscuits? cookies!
your fellas from the original Ovenbreak from 2009 and it's remake make a return, build a kingdom, and meet mysterious ancient heroes who disappeared a long time ago. and other weird flavored cookies!

^^ LIL FELLA!!!!
the main gameplay loop of kingdom involves meeting cookies via the Gacha, or collecting enough Soul jam pieces, powering them up and doing battle! you can go through the main stories or battle other players' decks in the PVP arena. unless you're in the vanilla server, you can skip out on that. there's different events and updates to look foward to almost every month, so even if youre brand new or haven't played in a while there's always going to be something, or someone, new to greet you!

despite my greed for power and my slow climb to the highest ranks in pvp my favorite part of this series in general is seeing all the creative designs and story beats every dessert has. some gimmicks and quirks don't hit as hard for me as others but every cookie is somebody's favorite, and that's an incredibly special and important thing for a franchise like Cookie Run! I can tell all the devs have a lot of fun coming up with these special cookies and I have just as much fun seeing them and playing as them. I mainly play Ovenbreak and Kingdom but I do love seeing these other designs exclusive to other Cookie Run games too :]


~Server: Dark Cacao
~Highest PVP Rank: Elite 4
~Favorite Update: Realm of Apathy, A Game of Truth and Deceit
~135/139 Cookies ;-;
~First Epic: Wildberry
this account.... WAS purely F2P until I bought the Kingdom pass in December('24), and the pfp reward for finishing the Vanilla pass. I swear I don't spend any more money on this game!! all my high leveled cookies were EARNED damn it!!


Favorite cookies! (by rarity)

Common- Strawberry
Rare- Pancake
Special- Tails
Epic- Pudding a la Mode
Super Epic- Stardust
Legendary- Wind Archer
Ancient- Pure Vanilla
Beast- Shadow Milk
