sadly I don't remember a lot of the stuff I put in the "recent cool thing" section, or the dates they were made, so this will begin at March 2024 onwards. (date format YY/MM/DD)
- 24/3 I finished all my classes, so it looks like i'm on early summer break!!
- 24/3 (1) I think I've fallen for somebody, but it's weird because i've never felt this way about anybody else before. sometimes I wondered if it's real or not(?), or something that'll pass in a little while.
- 24/4 I got a new computer! I inevitably had to move on from Windows 7 in favor of Windows 10, since a lot of my tools suddenly stopped working with that OS, a shame. on the bright side a faster OS means I can update this site quicker!
- 24/6 i'm sure you noticed i've been watchin ff7 advent children... it's not a series, but rather a movie i've been watching over and over again! I've had a similar period of my life I obsessed over this movie in 2021, it's actually a little nostalgic even though it was just 3 years ago. on a more interesting note, i'm learning Blender so I can live out my dreams of modeling silly low poly characters and possibly animating them! I hope this goes well...
- 24/6/13 I GRADUATED!!!!!!!! I FINALLY GRADUATED!!!!!!!!! no more school means more time for my buddies and my hobbies. and this site of course :3
- 24/7/4 I could barely watch the Fireworks today, it made me realise how absolutely cooped and cramped up in the house i've been for years until a few months ago.
- 24/7/5 it's 3am and i'm trying to reset my schedule, so what better time now then ever to read some good stories :3
I may or may not have been guilty reading a a03 story called The Strength of a Thousand.... and pridefully reading Just a Goblin on Webtoons!! I fully recommend the latter if you like DND/Dragon Quest
- 24/7/14 today I customized my computer a little bit so the windows and taskbar looks like the "Luna" them from Windows XP. no particular reason, but it has me thinking why this isn't something microsoft can pack into their computers so nobody has to use tons and tons of seperate programs to customize the way they want... but I guess beggars can't be choosers. there was a short time my mom let me use her old Mac before my new PC came in so I could still continue my projects, and I barely used it because Macs are so limiting, like a ball and chain. what's with people now trying to make products, websites, EVERYTHING, be proper and prestigous sacrificing convincence in the process? forget the customizations, I at least want to be able to use common tools for art, music, and video editing (and a lot of games too) whenever I need to without a million external things to do so.
- 24/7/20 I went to a friend's house after days and days worth of trouble and bad days. It's a little strange sounding, but I always appreciate days I can chill out with someone and laze around
- 24/7/22 so uh... I have a boyfriend now...
I felt like something in me ascended, like my chest tightened up and nearly gave way. I was so out of breath, it's so frustrating I felt that way about anything
- 24/7/26 I feel like i've been on air all week, I can't beleive this is all real. I hope this happiness lasts a long time.
I once again changed the music on the home page, the music for the special world in Super Mario Bros Wonder. I've felt this way ever since I first played the game when it came out last year, but that specific track, and the snowy theme, make me feel incredibly nostalgic. I always think about me being a little younger and playing video games in my room dimly lit by the small christmas tree in the corner, or waking up incredibly early on a dull cloudy January morning with my best friend so we can grind an event on Pokemon Cafe Remix together, or those days I couldn't sleep so I joined a discord call with my friends, who somehow stayed awake all day and night playing smash, and it would start raining outside.
I have no clue why this specific music activates these memories, or if this is a phenomenon even worth researching.
- 24/7/29 I found two songs I haven't listened to since 2021 and i'm in love with them all over again ^-^ it's like seeing an old friend again
- 24/8/4 I was stargazing late at night as always, and I saw a shooting star today! two of them! I never saw any in real life before, despite how invested in Astronomy I am (a little embarassing...).
actually, it's not quite a star travelling across the cosmos as more of a fallen meteor likely set on a crash course somewhere. sorry if I ruined that for you.
the night sky is so especially beautiful during the Summer, it reminded me of my lover a little bit, the way his face lights up the entire room.
to be honest it hits a little too different when you're listening to a chill pokemon playlist.
- 24/8/10 I've been playing a lot of games I haven't been able to. I still can't believe how easy it's been to find them
- 24/8/12 18 is a big deal. it's a genuine miracle i've lived this long. the world expects me to be an adult, yet some adults in my life still coddle me as if i'm a kid, it's weird.
I was always told to "make a wish" into the candles every year, even though I don't really believe in that stuff I still try anyways. I don't think i'll make a wish this year, everything I could wish for is in my life now. someone I truly love and adore, the greatest friends I could ask for, and a chance to take a big interest of mine to the next level. freedom. freedom to be who I want to be, even if I get weird stares.
despite all the hardships i'd live this life over and over again, just for the excitement of being in love for the first time, the pain and the loss, the day 3 years ago I went outside and watched the sun rise, and finally seeing that everything gets better, finding my favorite song, meeting my true friends, meeting my partner for the first time and my soul screaming his name almost every day, the self discovery, the creation, the joy of just being alive. my life just began, so I hope the next 18 years of my life will be just as exciting
- 24/8/12 (1) I went to a retro game store and bought a Dreamcast today! it's a console i've been slobbering over since I was around 13 and had easier access to older games via emulation and game discussion forums. the Dreamcast is such a weird and unique system, I think only the Gamecube mirrors it's strange and experimental legacy when it comes to games. it was made especially apparent at the place I bought it from that absolutely NOBODY cares about the Dreamcast as much as I and a select community do, not as much as the xbox 360 and wii, which took a huge blow at my head seeing it at a place advertising itself as "RETRO". of course the SNES, NES, N64, and Gameboy era systems were there as well, but a fresh Wii being on display in a big tempting glass box was something I wasn't prepared to see. it's not a 'Retro' system is it? it's fairly recent is it not? same goes for the Xbox 360 and PS3/2
- 24/8/14 I don't think i've been so attached to one song in my entire life. I heard it on the radio once and never again, until about a month ago when I randomly heard it on instagram, immediately searched for and downloaded it and never looked back
- 24/8/27 Sonic 3 trailer came out today! it looks amazing, I can't wait to see it! on a less important note my college courses start today. I thought i'd be a little more nervous but it feels like a more high maintenence highschool, it kinda reeks my days of talking to my buddies and playing fortnite with them all day are coming to a close
- 24/9/15 as a joke, I started to live like I did as a kid for the weekend. limited internet access, only the built in windows games, my dsi and weird music I used to listen to at that time and flash games to keep me company. it's a little odd knowing how drastically my idea of killing time changed over time as the internet and communication developed more and more
- 24/9/18 a new trailer for Ghostface in Mortal Kombat apparently dropped this morning! my boyfriend woke me up like it was christmas morning about it ^-^
this morning I downloaded some mobile game called Fortress Saga. I was never interested in games like these, but I saw there was a Sonic collaboration. it's why I have Cookie Run Kingdom as well, I'll fall for pretty much anything if you slap a blue hedgehog with incredibly loud striped shoes on it.
- 24/9/30 I finally found a website that holds the pdf for a textbook required for my english class. they won't get my money anytime soon!!! why does everything in college cost an arm and a leg?
- 24/10/2 HAPPY HALLOWEEEEEENN!!!!!!!!!!! technically, it's been halloween since august, but lets let the normies catch up :]
- 24/10/9 things have been going pretty slow lately, I've been a lot more tired than usual. it's more comforting than anything, i'd rather have slow sleepy days I can just play Pokengine and do classwork without worrying about much than action packed stressful days all the time.
- 24/10/19 Internet Archive has been down for a while now. it has me thinking about media preservation and companies that are so hellbent on withholding information and entertainment from the public all for a quick buck. shouldn't there be some kind of law against that? piracy wouldn't be so abundant if there wasn't such a random outbreak of everything imaginable being taken down or locked away for one reason or another. who knows, my idea about some kind of legal enforcment might make the Monkey's Paw twitch a little, there might be some bizzare loophole so things would get worse.
- 24/10/26 Happy (early for you!) Halloween!! even though I'm considered too old to go out and collect candy I can still walk around my neighborhood and give candy to all sorts of people! you should try too :]
- 24/10/31 HAPPY HALLOWEEN!!!!!! for real this time! as of writing this now i'm about to go to sleep, i'm so tired even if I didn't do anything special. I hung around my neighborhood doing stuff for others, but had to cut my plans short because something a lot more important called out to me. if you're wondering, this year I took my Link cosplay out the closet and rolled with it! by the time I could afford the sword it was too late and would arrive after today, so i'll wait until another occasion where I feel the need to Zelda around comes up. Happy Halloween again, and if you played with some kind of object to connect to spirits, spray the place with holy water just to be safe! (and brush your teeth a third time and eat something healthy for dinner if you ate candy all day like I did!!)
- it's a little sad to see the halloween countdown go back up to 364, but next year is gonna fly by before our eyes too. make the most out of every day while we wait for next halloween! ♥ ♥
- 24/11/23 I blinked and November is already almost over!! geez! I learned a bit more about my love today, and he learned more about me too~ I love learning little things about him that seemingly don't matter, even the smallest memory means so much to me.♥
(2) it's about time I go Christmas shopping for my family and friends, but i'm already so stressed out and exhausted... not in what i'd think they'd like, but more financially. I barely have any money in my pocket for myself let alone anybody else! I was thinking about asking for a bit of help from my mom, but i'm worried it would't be as authentic, like it's not truly from *me* since i'm using someone else's funds. I miss thinking money was magic and i'd have an infinite amount of it as a kid ahaha
- 24/11/27 Happy Thanksgiving for those in the US! if you live in Canada, sorry i'm late... anywhere else happy Thursday! I have a lot i'm grateful for, but I'd rather cherish those things every day instead of one day out of the entire year. besides, the history of this holiday is pretty jumbled, it's really hard celebrating hundreds of people suffering because invaders from the other side of the planet decided to stick their noses where it didn't belong. oh well, it's about a week off school to relax, so i'll take plenty of those!
anyway, this year has been rough huh? it's a very scary and lonesome time right now, but I hope we can all find comfort in our family (and found families!) now. if not, our friends or our partners! remember you are loved and appreciated, even if it doesn't look like it, and I believe in you! ♥
- 24/12/24 Merry Christmas!! I can't believe it's almost here already. didn't december start like last week?? anyway, I have nothing special to say or update about. i've been so wrapped up in the holiday cheer I didn't notice the time flying by... ^-^ I hope your holidays are blessed and you can take it easy this week, you deserve it for getting this far! I know i'm gonna relax and be a bit of a potato, you should too!
- 25/3/20 I felt so stuck and aimless lately, but I think it's better to take small steps towards what I want than stress out over making major desicions so early in my life.
on a lighter note! I both dug up an old usb stick from 2021 and an ipod touch I used to play with when I was little. the stick wasn't actually too bad, lot's of nostalgic memories of people I used to talk to, discord servers I used to be in, the way I used to talk, draw, think, all that frozen in time and archived for 4 years. I cherish it a lot.
I decided to jailbreak that ipod, which took embarassingly long since the sideloaders and jailbreaking tools are all quite outdated or plainly just don't work anymore! if you have an ios device lying around though, I do recommend jailbreaking yours if you don't like how streamlined and specific apple's products are.